Meet the Team



Lynda Rose - Director, Voice for Justice UK

Lynda Rose is an Anglican priest and writer. Called to the Bar in 1983, she subsequently went into ministry and became one of the first women to be both deaconed and then priested in the Anglican Church. She is CEO of Voice for Justice UK, founded to defend the disadvantaged and marginalised, and to speak out for all who face exploitation and/or oppression from the imposition of an increasingly totalitarian and secular worldview.

She is author of several books for both the religious and general fiction markets, and also serves as Convenor of the Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group, a non-aligned Parliamentary research group.

Paul Diamond

Paul Diamond was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1985; and specialises in the law of religious liberty, freedom of speech and European law.

He studied for his LLM at Magdalene College, Cambridge; and he won a scholarship to study international law at the Hague Academy of International Law, The Netherlands.

He is one of the leading barristers in the law of religious liberty; and he has appeared at every level in the national courts (including the House of Lords) as well as the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg and the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg. He was barrister to the Keep Sunday Special Campaign and to the Christian Legal Centre.

Paul has argued many ground-breaking cases; on religious rights, freedom of speech and civil liberties.  He handles some of the most controversial cases in the national courts; from freedom of religion, free speech to complex matters of abortion and gendercide.

Recently, he won the important free speech case of Felix Ngole and appeared in the Birmingham School case where children as young as 4 were educated about LGBT issues. He has worked on cases at the highest levels; including with the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, religious leaders, political leaders and the famous Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky.

He has brought important cases to the European Court of Human Rights on religious liberty; and was involved in the famous Eweida & Others v United Kingdom (the British Airways Cross case) to the recent tragic case of Alfie Evans (Alfie was denied medical treatment in Rome after the Pope intervened in the case; and Alfie subsequently died) to the important European Citizens Initiative case before the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Paul is an eloquent speaker and political strategist; who is able to combine his legal, media and political skills into his professional work.

Anthony Busk

Following a calling into ministry, which spanned 15 years, Anthony moved into consultancy, specializing in the problems Christians face working from a Kingdom of God perspective interfacing with the kingdom of this world. This in turn led to a career move into Further and Higher Education, both in teaching and research, particularly with the latter seeing how the communication barrier between enterprise, and colleges and universities could be effectively broken. Subsequently, he has focused on the biblical principles underlying the caring involvement of Christians in a broken society, and how best to approach social issues while retaining the integrity of the Gospel message.

Robert Harris

Robert Harris serves as Strategy Director of Voice for Justice UK.

Christopher Shell

Christopher Shell is married with three young daughters and a large (mostly Kenyan-Asian) family. He is chief UK bookbuyer for an international Christian retailer. He achieved a double first from Oxford, and a PhD from Cambridge in early Christian ecstatic experience, together with seven university prizes in various subjects from the two institutions. Although he loves everything Christian and loathes everything secular (because of the easily-measurable statistical catastrophes, particularly to families and pre-born human lives, that secularism inevitably brings in its wake), he finds the spiritual-battle tradition to be especially accurate and real (Christus Victor; armour of God; ‘knights of God’ as in scouting; the reality that even intelligent people are frequently deceived and act irrationally; some end on the winning side and some don’t).

Patricia Morgan

Patricia Morgan is a sociologist and author of many publications. She has written for national newspapers and periodicals, contributed to television and radio debate, and has worked for think-tanks.


Her books include: Farewell to the Family, (1995, 2nd edition, updated, 1999); Are Families Affordable? (1996); Who Needs Parents?  (1996); Adoption and the Care of Children, (1998); Children as Trophies (2002); Family Structure and Economic Outcomes (Economic Research Council, 2004); Family Matters: Family Breakdown and its Consequences (a study in the New Zealand context: 2004); Family Policies, Family Changes: Sweden, Italy and the UK (2006); War between the State and the Family (2007), The Marriage Files (2014).


Patricia Morgan has contributed to many publications including: Criminal Welfare on Trial (1981), The Loss of Virtue (1992), Just a Piece of Paper? (1995), Feminism Versus Mankind (The British Woman Today, 1997), Re-writing the Sexual Contract (1997), The Fragmenting Family: Does it Matter? (1998), Juvenile Delinquency in the United States and the United Kingdom (Macmillan, 1999).


From 1978-87, she was a committee member at the Centre for Policy Studies, London, and Senior Research Fellow on the Family with CIVITAS (Institute for the Study of Civil Society) 1995-2005. She recently held a Visiting Fellowship with the School of Humanities, Buckingham University for two consecutive 3-year terms. As well as writing for periodicals and student texts, she has been a frequent contributor to the national press and to television and radio debate. As a freelance from the late 1970s onwards, her contributions have appeared in the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail, as well as contributing to other newspapers and magazines including Prospect, Spectator, The Salisbury Review and The Critic.

Pamela Stevens

Pamela Stevens was assistant to her father Steve Stevens, who, in his concern for the moral decline of the nation, was one of the founders of the Nationwide Festival of Light, now called CARE. He worked also alongside Mary Whitehouse, a leading campaigner who founded the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association. He wrote his autobiographical book, ‘Fighting for Love, Purity, Marriage and Family Life’ to put a fighting spirit into the readers to turn the tide. Pamela shares his concern for the state of the nation, shocked by its staggeringly faster than ever decline, and believes something can still be done.

Chantelle W

Chantelle grew up in Malaysia, lived in the USA and Singapore, and moved to the UK in 2013. As a trained MBA and CFA professional, Chantelle has gained business experience and corporate insights through her work across four continents (Asia, Europe, America and Africa). Her functions include equity investment, corporate finance advisory, building strategies, business development, project management, human resource management and post-integration implementation. She is a qualified Pilates teacher, fitness trainer and nutritional advisor. She also enjoys cooking, organizing different dinner events for friends and family, and incorporating healthy cooking styles. She has been fully embracing a holistic lifestyle and is passionate about sharing her wholeness approach with friends and family. Following her passion in coaching, she is now providing bespoke consulting and coaching programmes to individuals and businesses, bringing transformational change which leads to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Dr. Josephine-Joy Wright

Dr. Josephine-Joy Wright currently works as the Lead for psychological services in CAMHS, 2gether Foundation Trust (Herefordshire). She is a Chartered Consultant Clinical Psychologist, specialising in Children and Family work, and complex adult neuro-developmental disorders, attachment, abuse and trauma. Since 1989 she has worked extensively with international disasters, including war-zones, pioneering psycho-social interventions, and developing work with child soldiers. She has also run and supervised Police Staff Support and Counselling Services, and trains teams and individuals in effective relationships, as well as undertaking specialist assessments and therapy with children and adults with neuro-developmental and attachment disorders, and traumatic/ abusive life experiences. She has extensive experience training and supervising prayer and prophetic ministry, Christian counselling and pastoral care teams, working with adults and youth in churches and the community.


Voice for Justice UK

7 Windward House

Plantation Wharf

London SW11 3TU

+44 7542 468981


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