Reject flawed and dangerous RSE regulations – sign the petition

This petition was closed on 29th October 2020 with 11,581 signatures.

Sign the Petition Here.

Reject flawed and dangerous RSE regulations

Sex and Relationships Education up to now has been a disaster.  Despite all efforts we still have one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Western Europe; one of the highest teenage abortion rates in Western Europe; epidemic level STIs amongst teenagers; frightening levels of child addiction to pornography; unprecedented levels of diagnosable mental illness among children; and police reports of alarming and growing numbers of child-on-child sex abuse, some including children as young as five.

However, the new RSE Regulations, making Relationships Education mandatory for Primary-aged children, Relationships and Sex Education mandatory for Secondary-aged children, and Health Education mandatory for all, will make the situation infinitely worse.   As result of the statutory requirement that all teaching promote and normalise LGBQ and Transgender lifestyle choices and practices, they are little more than a charter for State-sanctioned child abuse.  Their aim is not to protect children, but to ideologically indoctrinate them into acceptance of adult behaviours that only a few years ago would have been labelled perversion.

While children must rightly be taught to respect all, it is not acceptable that children as young as four be taught in detail about intimacy or same sex relations (see for example, resources offered by Spring Fever (; and as applied by a school here) nor that gender is a matter of choice and not biology. Such teaching is very far from being age appropriate, contravenes current law relating to the absolute right of parents to have children educated in line with their religious and moral beliefs (see ECHR, Article 1, Protocol 2; The Education Act 1993, s.9; The Human Rights Act 1998, Schedule I, Part II, Article 2), and is emotionally and psychologically confusing to children, who by definition lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to assess such teaching for themselves.

In the increasingly dangerous times in which we live, children need to receive such education as will inform and protect them.  But,they must not be ideologically exploited to validate and engage in adult behaviours that are medically and emotionally hazardous.

It is vital that all teaching relating to relationships and sex education have due regard to and conform with the religious beliefs and ethical values of parents, who must have an absolute right to withdraw children from any and all teaching they regard as unacceptable. 

We call for the current draft Regulations to be rejected, and for the drafting of a new Guidance in real and strict consultation with parents and representatives of faith groups.

Sign the Petition Here.

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